HA KARATE-DO. English, 280 pages, 25x17,5 cm. hardcover, luxury print with over
300 photographs, diagrams and dedications to the author written by Kase sensei.
For the first time the principles and
philosofy of the unique Kase Ha style of Shotokan based on the samurai Budo
concept has been analytically explained.
Besides technical characteristics the main
emphasis is on the aspects of higher practise like, rooting and ground
resistance power, Ibuki breathing and development of breath power, mind control
and the concept of the Ki energy.
"My intention was to shed more light on
the secrets of Kase sensei´s teaching and make them more comprehensiible and
tangible to all who dare to search into their own hidden or latent potentials".
Sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic, 2017.
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