
Vi tränar en dynamiskt och stark karate - Budo Karate - som präglas av stor variation i träningen och med fokus på praktiskt tillämpning av tekniker.

Budo betyder "Krigarens väg" och är en livsfilosofisom betonar moraliska och spirituella aspekter i träningen. Detta innebär att söka efter en spirituell dimension genom regelbunden fysisk och mental träning i Budo Karate, där målet är att nå bortom gränserna för fysisk styrka och teknik.

Sensei Kase utvecklade en speciell andningsteknik med centrum i nedre magregionen och genom koncentration och visualisering som avgörande vägar att utveckla sinnet. Denna väg kan slutligen leda till den mest avancerade mentala nivån och förmågan att fullständigtkontrollera Ki (energi).

Det som kännetecknar Budo Karate är att teknikernas funktion och verklighetsförankring är viktigare än yttre form. Det innehåller en stor variation av blockeringar med öppna och slutna händer och
olika utgångspositioner och bygger på ett kraftfullt och utvecklat försvarssystem.

Karate-Do Shotokan Akademi Växjö följer sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic som har varit en av sensei Kases närmaste elever och assistenter. Sensei Velibor kommer två gånger per år till Växjö för att instruera och sprida läran om Kase-Ha vidare. Han har varit i Växjö sedan 2007. Vi sprider läran genom att deltaga regelbundet på karateseminarier ordnade av Sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic både i Sverige och på internationella seminarium.

Information nedan om Kase-Ha kommer från Sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic´s hemsida www.vebodo.com. Sensei Taiji Kase (1929-2004) tränade karate-do med Gichin Funakoshi och dennes son Yoshitaka Funakoshi. Idag lever traditionen vidare genom Kase-ha Shotokan-Ryu Karate-Do.

The ultimate aim of Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do is based on the ancient Heiho (Budo) concept which states that:
"Having reached a peak in the development of martial efficiency, the ultimate goal of training is no longer death, but life."

The path to understanding and achieving that concept has various stages of development:

  1. How to be triumphant and eliminate the opponent
  2. How to triumph using less power
  3. How to triumph without killing the opponent
  4. How to triumph without hurting the opponent
  5. How to avoid war
  6. How to establish peace



POWER, in Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do, as in all genuine Budo arts is derived from the flow of Ki within the body and the ability to apply the Ki to the karate techniques.

KI, is an inherent fundamental energy beyond intellectual comprehension and the only way to access it is through the body or through physical intelligence.

BREATHING allows for the cultivation of physical intelligence. It leads to the transmission of Ki energy throughout the body as well as the increase of KI power. Abdominal breathing or Hara breathing initiates all movements during karate practice.



  • Considering the ideas and the concept that it is based on, Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do is not a sport but a Budo martial art.
  • Budo means The Way of the Warrior.
  • Budo is a life philosophy which emphasizes moral and spiritual aspects of martial practice. To live by the Budo code means to look for a spiritual dimension through daily physical and mental practice of the martial technique.
  • The ultimate goal of Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do is to reach a level beyond technique and physical power.
  • Further development in Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do is based on specific breathing from the lower abdomen, as well as concentration and visualization as a crucial means of the mind's development. This leads to the highest spiritual level and to ultimate energy control.
  • The authenticity of the Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do is reflected in one of the major principles which emphasizes reality instead of formality as a general target in both Kumite and Kata application.
  • Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do is based on an extremely strong and highly developed defensive system. It involves a variety of blocks with open and closed hands and respective kamae positions.
  • In Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do Fudo dachi is a basic stance used at the master level. It is gradually developed from basic stances and satisfies equally defensive and offensive requirements, insuring at the same time ultimate stability and body control.
  • Inspired by Samurai's use of katana, Kase Sensei developed and implemented in his Karate-Do defensive and offensive open hand techniques based on ideas from the use of katana.
  • In Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do style, timing principles of Sei-te and Hen-te are clearly and effectively implemented.
  • Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do has a highly developed moving system of straight, diagonal, semicircular and circular movements, allowing control of space in all directions.
  • The Kase Ha style is unique in the meaning to which it gives to training in accordance with the Budo concept, which is the root of training. This unique treatment is based on four executing directions, Omote, Ura, Go, Ura-go and the respective application system, Kata Kumite, Bunkai and Oyo Bunkai .
  • The Kase Ha Shotokan Ryu Karate-Do symbol is the ideogram GI. It means moral duty, the highest form of a warrior's honor, morality and dignity.
  • Gi also means to renounce any selfish behavior, to follow a voice of reason and to contribute to humanity.
  • Gi stands for Funakoshi Gichin and his son Giko (Yoshitaka), founders of The Shotokan style.